Immerse yourself in a week of lush wellness to honor the fresh start of Spring. Balance the breath, the body, and the energy space with practices, ceremonies, and excursions that use the elements and senses to to align the mind, body, and spirit. A breath of fresh air after a long winter’s rest in the quaint little surf & yoga town of Dominical, Costa Rica, just steps to the South Pacific Ocean at the private eco-retreat center, Danyasa.
The Spring Equinox is a beautiful time to find balance between solar and lunar energy. The perfect opportunity to incorporate practices that foster a sense of inner harmony and to allow for both action and inaction in daily living.
Through daily practices, including meditation, various styles of yoga, workshops, ceremonies, guided imagery, and spirituality we will embrace the new season, immerse ourselves in nature essences, find balance, plant seeds, and blossom in growth.